Saturday, 31 August 2013

A Monthly Round Up: AUGUST

A Monthly Round Up is a meme hosted at Feed Me Books Now!!!. The purpose of this meme is to sum up the month's blogging in one post. In the post you can mention the books you read that month, things that happened in the bookish world and blogs you discovered/read that month.

This month was not really a big blogging month. I went on vacation and after that I kind of lost blogging inspiration. I did a few reviews, but I couldn't come up with other posts, like discussions. I hate this blogging slump and I hope it will be over very soon.

Books read & reviewed this month

So, only five reviews this month, not my best month indeed.
The favourites of this month are: Crown of Midnight and Never Fade. Both amazing sequels!

Other Posts

And I had my second discussion post this month, about love triangles:

I also started my own meme called 'Classic Love', in which I feature my favourite 'adult/classic' books.

Looking forward to in September

  • Starting at the university! I'm going to study English. But with that I don't think I'll be able to blog as much as I could in my holiday. So sorry in advance if I don't post so much.
  • My birthday! It's on the 21st :)
  • Releases of Antigoddess, Coldest Girl in Coldtown, The 100 and Not a drop to drink.

Happy September!
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